Compromise Reached! It was approved by the Parliament with the Presidential Decree and the pension payments were announced

Documents related to the new retirement campaigns, which were approved by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and passed the approval of the Parliament, were shared. Citizens with a pension will be able to use both general purpose loans and debt settlement loans with low interest rates until the end of September, together with the state-supported pensions they have received through public banks.

your pension Ziraat Bank Vakifbank and Halkbank People who get a loan of 50000 TL from the campaigns, where you can make your transactions quickly by making your application, can use credit by making transactions without income certificate.

If citizens in need of cash make their applications, they will be able to participate in emergency loan campaigns and deposit their loans within 5 minutes, together with the payments that will be deposited into their accounts on the same day. We can say that citizens, who will also perform transactions through your pension account, for loans you have used up to 50000 TL, can create a payment table with a maturity of 36 months.

Ziraat Bank Halkbank and Vakifbank All citizens who meet the loan conditions by using consumer loans can deposit payments to their accounts within the same day and use the approved loans from internet banking if they make their applications. Ziraat Bank Vakıfbank Halkbank announced on the official website that it will give loans to citizens who have their own bank accounts by making transactions online.

People whose pensions are in other banks can use their loans quickly, with the payments to be deposited into their accounts within the same day, provided that the conditions for these loans they will receive as state-supported are suitable. Citizens who receive a pension will be able to use loans quickly without going to branches in accordance with the conditions in case they need cash, and you can immediately deposit 50000 TL into your account when you apply for a consumer loan through mobile applications.