Video game to improve short-term memory for seniors

In the musical rhythm game, people try to drum in accordance with the rhythm with visual cues.

In the study for the effects of the game, 47 people aged between 60 and 79 were divided into two groups. One of the groups played Rhythmicity for 20 minutes, 5 days a week, for 8 weeks. The other group spent time with the word-finding game.

It was seen that rhythm play had a chain effect on short-term memory. The ability to keep pace and complex thinking improved gradually in the participants who played this game.


Participants took a memory test to determine their ability to remember a face they saw seconds ago at the beginning and end of 8 weeks. It was seen that the scores of the group playing Rhythmicity increased by 4 percent.

In addition, the electroencephalography examination performed at the same time revealed that activity in the upper parietal lobe, the regional region of the brain associated with visual information, increased.

According to research team Theodore Zanto, rhythm training improves the brain’s ability to pay attention to a task. Because the brain wants to make the work ready to be converted into memory.

According to the news in Independent Turkish “The development of memory is wonderful,” said a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco.

Zanto and his team had seen the improvement of attention and working memory in the elderly with the game called NeuroRacer they developed in 2013.

In a study published in August, it was determined that blood pressure, balance and attention were improved in older people with the game called Body-Brain Trainer.

“These games all have the same basic adaptive algorithms and approach, but use very, very different types of activities. We show that in all of the games, cognitive abilities can improve in these people,” said Adam Gazzaley, one of the authors of the new study published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal PNAS.