The news that minimum wage workers have been waiting for has arrived! 2.750 free bonus payments will be given, will be deposited in the accounts this week!

An announcement of unrequited payments came to relieve the minimum wage. 2,750 free bonuses will be awarded. Payments will be transferred to the accounts this week with the approval of the Parliament.

Millions of minimum wage workers are struggling to make ends meet despite the salary increase they received in July. Because the economic crisis is growing day by day and life commitment is increasing. Minimum wage employees, who are having a hard time due to economic problems, closely follow the news of additional payments. Millions of minimum wage workers received the good news of additional payment from the state. In case of approval from the Turkish Grand National Assembly, 2750 TL free and non-refundable bonus will be given to those working with minimum wage. The bill will be in the parliament this week and if it is approved, the payments will be deposited in the accounts until the end of the week.

After many years, the interim increase in the minimum wage was reflected in the salaries in July. While the minimum wage was 5500 TL net, inflation figures continued to increase. As the cost of living rose, the raise of the minimum wage melted away. In this case, the unrequited additional payments from the state for the minimum wage workers who are in economic distress were heeded. The news that will make millions of minimum wage earners smile came from the Turkish Grand National Assembly. With the new law proposal submitted by the deputies to the parliament, 2750 TL bonus payment is on the agenda for those working with minimum wage. When will the minimum wage be awarded? Under what conditions will bonuses be given to the minimum wage?


The bill regarding the bonus payment, which millions of minimum wage workers are eagerly waiting for, was given to the Parliament by the deputies. The bill, which includes 2750 lira bonus payment for minimum wage workers who have difficulty in making ends meet with their salaries and who are helpless in the face of the cost of living, will be voted on in the Parliament. With the start of the negotiations on the proposal, the Good News will come, which will make the minimum wage earner smile. The bill still in the parliament is currently in the approval stage. If the approval is given, as of this week, the non-refundable and non-refundable bonus payments of the minimum wage employees will be deposited into the accounts.


It was explained in the justification of the law proposal submitted by the deputies to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, which includes the payment of holiday bonuses and New Year’s bonuses to minimum wage earners. Accordingly, those who work with minimum wage are required to receive bonuses just like retirees before the Holidays and New Year’s Eve. Because the minimum wage workers have difficulty in meeting their needs with the trees I buy. When the holiday expenses are added to this, the situation becomes unbearable for minimum wage workers. In this case, it is requested that the TGNA step in and the burden on those working with the minimum wage should be alleviated.

However, this law is still in the proposal stage. It has not been evaluated in the Parliament for the time being. One of the first issues that will come to the agenda with the opening of the parliament will be the payment of bonuses to the minimum wage. If the bill is passed, millions of minimum wage workers will have the chance to have a double feast during the holidays.