The new king of England, Charles III, had a nervous breakdown at his first signing. What did he say through gritting his teeth?

After the death of Queen Elizabeth of England, her son Charles III ascended the throne.

The attitude of Charles, who ascended the throne 50 years later at the age of 73, while signing the declaration declaring his allegiance to the church, was an event.

Seeing quite excited at the ceremony, Charles finds the table small when he sits down to sign, and he clenches his teeth and wants the pencil holder on the table to be removed.

In his speech at the ceremony, Charles said, “We have suffered an irreplaceable loss.” saying his mother, Queen II. He remembered Elizabeth. In continuation of his words, Charles “My mother showed what it is like to show a lifetime of love and serve without self-assertion. My mother’s reign, duration, and dedication were unmatched. As we mourn today, we give thanks for this life of faith.” he said.

King III. Charles then took the oath and signed the pledge he made his announcement.

Charles’ proclamation was read from his balcony. The same ad was read on the Royal Exchange, opposite the Bank of England, the commercial heart of London.

The British National Anthem, “God Bless the King” spoken in words. The celebratory cheer of the Kingsguard was also one of the highlights of the ceremony.
