10 thousand tons of garbage accumulated on Mars

Spacecraft launched to Mars leave huge piles of garbage behind them.

10 thousand tons of garbage accumulated on Mars

Some institutions, especially NASA, sent various spacecraft to the red planet Mars and put the planet under investigation.

However, this causes garbage to accumulate on Mars, just as Earth’s orbit is littered with satellite debris.

Developed by NASA perseverance The (Perseverance) vehicle was launched on July 30, 2020 and landed in Jezero Crater on the red planet on the night of February 18, 2021.

Continuing its exploration on Mars, NASA’s Perseverance vehicle recently found a strange object resembling a tangled string of rope, and then it was found that this object fell during the descent.


Increasing litter on Mars

There are several sources of human pollution on Mars. First, all spacecraft that land on Mars leave trash behind.

Vehicles that have reached the end of their working life also remain on the surface of Mars, creating waste. At the same time, we should not forget about the vehicles that crashed into the surface of Mars due to the unsuccessful landing.

Pieces of spacecraft that crashed into the Martian surface and shattered are spread all over the planet due to Martian winds.


In addition to these parts, there are nine other spacecraft currently standing on the Martian surface in one piece, but not operating.

As a result, fragments from Earth on the Martian surface amount to about 10 thousand tons. Scientists say that this garbage could endanger future Mars missions.