What will be the state of this justice?

WALL – Yeni Akit writer Abdurrahman Dilipak, referring to the arrest of singer Gülşen in a post on his social media account, asked, “Is this the only truth in Turkey. What are the allegations about SPK allegations, profiteering, or Fuhşiyat, drug barons?”

Addressing the judiciary in his post, Dilipak demanded an investigation into drug trafficking allegations that Sedat Peker has 180 million dollars in cash against CMB Chairman Ali Fuat Taşkesenlioğlu and that AK Party members are also involved.

The shares of Dilipak on Twitter are as follows:

“Taşkesenlioğlu is in the prosecutor’s office for sharing property and money from her hijab-wearing husband, Gülşen is in the prosecutor’s office for defending LGBT… Is this the only truth of Turkey? What about SPK allegations, profiteering, or Fuhşiyat, allegations about drug lords… Huuu, is there any prosecutor who hears my voice!

As for those who steal bread and baklava, and those whose state and nation are filled, “The masnad-i ser-efrâz who steals with a million is a shovel, a few cents of which is the bane of the murtaki.” Is history repeating itself?