Veysel Ulusoy : Censorship and economic growth?

How about we brag We are in the top 20 of the world’s economies saying…

Most of the time this is wasted boasting. Because your size is related to your volume in such measurements. How much area and population density you have, your economic size is parallel to it.

It is not a measure of well-being in general. Large countries overproduce and create excess economic value The idea is often a valid approach in this regard.

If you divide this total value by the population or the number of employees, the value you get is what determines your well-being. This value is currently around 6 thousand to 6 thousand 500 USD per person in our country when we remove the revisions.

Do not look at the data inflated with the revision… Statistics reveal this fact with all its clarity.

The biggest indicator of this is your ability to spend on the street, firm investments in production and government expenditures in the public sector. When you add exports and imports to all these, the plain photograph is seen in front of us with all its aspects.


One of the most important factors affecting the welfare of the society is the level of democracy and the development of institutional infrastructure. These are not sufficient but necessary to increase welfare. Contrary to the 1990s, economic research and publications today economic growth with democracy It shows a very strong and similar link between the two countries, with the support of technological change and import substitution through foreign trade.

In other words, all the indicators of a welfare level based on democracy reveal this structure quite clearly.

I would like to combine it with the issue of censorship by mentioning a continuous source of information and a project that will provide a reference and data source for these studies… In this context, I don’t know if it is necessary to state that censorship is the opposite of democracy.

The World Bank has been compiling human capital index data for each country by year since 2018. I guess it doesn’t matter what we rank among the countries measured. In the measurements, bank enrollment, probability of survival, learning-based schooling time and hormonalized international test results form the human capital level of the country. While doing this, it makes a comparative analysis according to male and female students.

Do you know what’s in this data?

The superiority of girls over boys in almost all learning and schooling indicators…

There is one more thing… It is a very serious indicator that should be emphasized. There is the fact that the richest have 60 percent more human capital than the bottom 20 percent of the income strata.

It is a reality among those affecting inequality, income distribution and the picture of the future.

In fact, such data shape economic and other policies and measures are taken accordingly and opportunities are evaluated accordingly.

We have…

While it is necessary to create wide opportunities for the girls/students of poor families in order to raise the country’s economy and social progress, we have to leave our work and expand the censorship laws. side mind we have it.

Your side mind is not correct.