Used on F35 and HAs! They can enter Turkey and Russia in partnership with Turkey.

Yunis Sharifli wrote for AA Analysis the possible effects of rare earth elements, which are newly discovered in Turkey and the second largest reserve in the world, on the country’s economy and political relations.


In recent years, it is seen that the humidity of the elements that play a critical role in the production of various technologies has increased. In this context, rare earth elements, REE in short, are essential for the long-term sustainability of new technologies, as they are essential in industries ranging from aerospace to space exploration, from defense to biomedicine.


While the world’s largest rare earth deposits are in India, the fourth largest REE reserves are in Russia. These two countries make up 57 percent of the world’s known REE reserves. Constituting 85 percent of the world’s refined rare earths and 58 percent of world production, it plays a major role in the REE industry. Considering the weak relations of the Western Countries with China and Russia, both countries may use these elements as a tool of pressure against the Western Countries in the future. The REE export law of China to Japan in 2010 and the restrictions it made in December 2020 are examples of this.

In recent years, Western countries have been working on developing REE reserves to equalize imports and reduce reliance on China and Russia. Last month, the UK, the US, and other Western allies announced the Mineral Supply Partnership initiative, which was set up to make the supply chain “more secure.” Turkey’s newly discovered REE reserve could play a very important role for the Western Countries within the scope of the realignment efforts.


Turkey has discovered the world’s largest rare earth elements reserve in Beylikova district of Eskiehir. It is estimated that this new area, which ranks second after in, which has the largest REE reserves with 800 million tons, has 684 million tons of reserves. State mining company Eti Maden announced that 1200 tons of ore will be processed annually at the trial facility at the first stage. Since 10 of the 17 known elements can be produced in Turkey, this may reach 570 thousand tons of reserves with a larger facility in the near future.

The newly discovered rare earth elements reserve will have political, economic and security implications in Turkey’s partnership with the Western Countries. Politically, the newly discovered reserves have increased Turkey’s strategic importance and strengthened its position against the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA). Secondly, this reserve can help to equalize the imports of EU countries and reduce the dependence on China and Russia within the scope of cooperation with Turkey. Finally, partnership between Turkey and Western Countries can increase mutual interest, minimize threat perception and create more productive conditions for partnership in the rare earth industry.


In addition to the political possibilities, there are also economic opportunities for Turkey and its partnership with the Western Countries. First, the development of the REE industry could support Turkey’s economic equalization policy and enable it to specialize in the extraction and processing of rare earths. Secondly, the development of the REE sector can create a spillover effect by drawing attention to new investments and creating employment in the country.

In addition, economic opportunities may increase the EU countries’ partnership with Turkey. The fact that the REE reserve in Eskişehir is close to the surface means that the extraction of the elements will be easy and the cost will be less. Besides new investments, EU countries can help Turkey build technological capacity for soil mixing in the short term and improve processing technology in the medium term. Finally, the EU; It can also reduce its economic vulnerability to Turkey by taking advantage of its geographical proximity to Turkey, equalizing imports, and maintaining technological and financial stability in the medium to long term.

In fact, Turkey can develop its technology with the cooperation of the EU and the USA to reduce the damage caused by REE emissions to the environment. Thus, rare earth elements can be properly managed, recycled and incorporated into new production cycles without the need for new soil extraction. In general, partnership between Turkey and the EU on REE can strengthen economic resilience, create a mutually beneficial relationship, and reduce the impact of any potential economic or political economic arrow in the medium to long term.


Finally, newly discovered rare earth elements can play a vital role in the defense industry for both Turkey and the Western Countries, as they have an important place in the production of drones and F35s. Developing reserves can help Ankara reduce its reliance on other countries and enable it to become self-sufficient in REE. In addition, Turkey’s partnership with the EU and the US can secure the supply chain and guarantee relative stability in the defense sectors.

In summary, newly discovered rare earth elements can play an important role for Turkey and the Western Countries. In the short term, resource allocation can help Turkey to level its economy. In the medium and long term, Turkey’s technological capacity building in the REE industry and its specialization in processing elements, in particular, could strengthen Ankara’s position in the global supply chain and create an opportunity for long-term sustainable partnership with both the USA and the EU.

Translation: Burcu Yac

[Yazar, Uluslararas likiler ve Stratejik Aratrmalar iin Kafkas merkezinde aratrma grevlisidir.]

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