Sharing ‘I’m gay if I miss’ by Madonna – Diken

Famous US singer Madonna shared a video on Tiktok that says “I’m gay if I miss” while trying to throw her underwear in the trash. Many fans interpreted the video as the artist’s disclosure of his sexual orientation.

Image: Madonna (Tiktok)

In a playful mood, the artist joined a popular trend on her social media app and shared a video of her throwing her pink underwear in the trash.

“I’m gay if I miss” Madonna, who was obviously missed in the video she said, received messages of congratulations and support from her fans on social media.

Of course, the singer may also be keeping up with TikTok trends and just having fun, but many fans questioned whether this was a revelation about her sexuality.

a fan “Just Madonna’s ‘to the opening‘ I witnessed it, it was good for him” I mean, another “Did Madonna just open up? And am I witnessing this in real time?” he said, expressing his surprise.

Madonna, 64, who always delivers sex-positive messages, in an interview with MTV ‘Everyone is born bisexual’ When asked for his opinion on his proposition “I don’t have an answer to that. I think everyone should embrace what they are and no matter what happens, we should not embarrass ourselves or others.” had answered.

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