Odatv reached the documents: Invoice exile to Imam – Current

Imam Ömer Karadağ, who shared the electricity bills of the mosque on his social media account and said “No one should say to me that I can’t get electricity from your mosque from now on”, was exiled to Kırklareli by the Diyanet.

Istanbul, Esenyurt Seyit İbrahim Bilal Mosque imam Ömer Karadağ humorously shared the 16,383 lira electricity bill that came to the mosque on his social media account, and then an investigation was launched against him. All of this happened right after it is happened.

The Presidency of Religious Affairs made a controversial decision about the 35-year-old imam Ömer Karadağ. Imam Ömer Karadağ, who also has a disability report of 53 percent, continues his duty as the Provincial Chairman of the Union-Sen.

The imam, who has a 53 percent disability report according to the 39th Article of the Regulation on Appointment and Placement of the Presidency of Religious Affairs, has also ignored the provision that “The place of the civil servant cannot be changed without his/her request as long as the disability continues” by the Presidency of Religious Affairs.


Imam Ömer Karadağ, on his social media account, said, “Our mosque was also electrocuted. A total of 16 thousand 383 liras electricity bill came, one of which was 12 thousand 5 liras and the other 4 thousand 378 liras. I wrote the number in writing so that there would be no mistake. Then no one should say to me, ‘I can’t get electricity from your mosque.’ We tried to give electricity to everyone who came to the mosque until today, but the result was 16 thousand liras. Then don’t say, ‘You didn’t say teacher,'” he shared and gave a statement to the inspector by opening an administrative investigation.

Odatv has reached the exile document sent under the name of assignment. The item being operated is item “36.1 b”.

As a result of the investigation, the 76th article of the Civil Servant Law No. 657, which was also published in the Official Gazette, and the 36/1b article of the Regulation on Appointment and Relocation of the Presidency of Religious Affairs, were applied about imam Ömer Karadağ, who was exiled from Istanbul to Kırklareli by the Presidency of Religious Affairs. .

The content of article 36/1 b is as follows: “As a result of the inspection or investigation carried out against them, it was found that there was an inconvenience in their stay in that place”

Meanwhile, the state pays the lighting fees of the mosques, and if there is an electric heating system, it is paid by the citizens entering the mosque. While the bill of 4 thousand liras shared by the imam was the one to be paid by the state, the electricity bill of 12 thousand liras came out of the citizens’ pockets.

Murat Sökdü
