It will be deposited in the accounts on the 16th: Signed and Clarified with the Approval of the Assembly: 5000 TL Payment Will Be Given

In payments of 5000 TL, which will be given by Ziraat Bank, Vakıfbank and Halkbank, you will be able to receive payments to your accounts as of the 16th if you are an individual customer. In this Cash campaign, which will be given with government support, you are treated as a personal consumer loan.

These payments, which will be given to people who meet their own loan terms through Ziraat Bank, Vakıfbank and Halkbank, are required to have an account in the bank or to be a salary customer, especially since they will be given at low interest rates.

You will be able to use a 36-month loan by taking advantage of low interest rates in the 5000 TL cash loan campaign, which will also be given to citizens who have used loans and made regular payments through Ziraat Bank Vakıfbank and Halkbank.


If the people who will apply for these payments you will receive to your accounts without the need to go to the bank branches comply with the bank loan terms, the payments will be made to their accounts on the same day through the internet banking application. Citizens who comply with the bank’s conditions will be able to use their personal loan applications through internet banking applications, as well as the 36-month-term payments of 5000 TL, on the same day.

Even if it’s the weekend Ziraat Bank Vakıfbank or HalkbankCitizens who have an account can apply through the internet banking application. Support payments are made to those who meet the bank’s conditions so that they can benefit from the loan facility. With these campaigns, Ziraat Bank Vakıfbank and Halkbank want people who will receive their loan payments on the same day, especially in case of retirement, to receive their pension through their own banks.