Ended his life with euthanasia

Shanti De Corte, who survived the 2016 ISIS attack on the airport in Belgium’s capital Brussels, in which 18 people died, ended her life with euthanasia at the age of 23 due to severe depression.

According to the New York Post’s report, Shanti De Corte was about to travel to Rome with her friends during the ISIS attack at Brussels Airport. De Corte was 17 when he witnessed the March 2016 incident, which killed 32 people and injured more than 300.

De Corte, who had psychological disorders before witnessing the bloody attack, “post-traumatic stress disorder” was treated for. However, De Corte attempted suicide in 2018 and 2020, despite being in treatment.

De Corte, 23, chose to end his life with euthanasia, which is legal in Belgium.

de Corte, “With all the meds I’ve taken, I can’t feel anything anymore. Maybe there were other solutions.” said. He has attempted suicide twice before. His application for euthanasia, which is legal in Belgium earlier this year, received a positive response from two psychiatrists.

After completing the legal procedure, Corte died on May 7 at the age of 23.
