Check your accounts on Saturday and Sunday! 25000 TL Payment may have been deposited!

Saturday and Sunday, Citizens in need of cash need to have an account with Yapı Kredi Bank in order to benefit from these loan campaigns, which they can use to make their applications if they want to receive consumer loan payments of up to 25000 TL.

25000 TL consumer loan In these loan campaigns, where you can find out how much approval you can get within 5 minutes by participating in the loan campaigns where you can perform your transactions, it will be possible to make these applications via SMS via your mobile phone. Consumer loan application via sms It was informed that the citizens who will use cash loans after they have done this will be able to benefit from the consumer loan facility within the specified conditions. Yapı Kredi Bank via SMS In case the bank credit score of the people who will use the loan in the general purpose loan campaign you have started over is 1400 and above, Yapı Kredi BankThey can get pre-approval for their applications made through ı. Citizens who will apply for a loan, if they need cash, and want to benefit from these loan campaigns, where they can perform their transactions without going to the branches, can use a 36-month term loan with a 3-month delay.

If you want to get a consumer loan from Yapı Kredi Bank and you want to complete your application quickly, you will be able to make your transactions easily without going to the branches, and you will be able to use these approved loans within the same day by depositing them into our accounts. If you want to apply for a loan via SMS, you have to send a paid message for the transactions you will make without going to the branches. If you write your individual tc ID, monthly income and date of birth and send it as a message to 4411, you will have applied for a consumer loan.

If businesses want to use cash loans to realize their applications, they can perform these transactions without going to the branches, through the nearest bank branch, together with their identity cards, and they can also perform the same transactions via the internet banking application. In case the citizens who want to apply are individual customers, consumer loans are approved and deposited to their approved Loans accounts.

If you want to use a loan including Saturday and Sunday, you can also apply through Yapı Kredi Bank and use 24/7 loans through mobile applications.