Ball boy kicked by Eden Hazard inducted into the Young Rich List

Belgian star Eden Hazard was on the football agenda in 2013 with an event in which he took the lead role.

In Chelsea’s League Cup semi-final rematch against Swansea City, Hazard kicked the ball boy who didn’t give him the ball, and was subsequently ejected with a red card.

A ball collector for Swansea City, Charlie is the son of Martin and Louisa, who were the club’s biggest shareholders at the time.

Charlie, who became famous on social media after the incident with Hazard, reached many followers, especially on Twitter.

owns £40 million

After graduating from school, Charlie went into the liquor business with a friend and they started an alcohol company.

Promotions of names such as Floyd Matweather and Ronaldinho also played a role in the growth of the drink, which is sold in 40 countries around the world.

Charlie Morgan, who has been on the football agenda with his incident, now has a fortune of approximately 40 million pounds. Charlie Morgan was ranked 24th on The Times’ Young Rich List with the company he founded.

Eden Hazard, after his gesture to Charlie, said, “The ball boy came to the locker room and we had a little chat. I apologized, he apologized and the issue was closed.”