Another hike in fuel

The rise of Brent oil to $ 100.31 and the fact that the TL cannot be prevented from melting like a candle against the dollar causes the fuel prices to increase continuously. With the successive hikes in the diesel price, it’s going crazy.

With the latest hike, the diesel price exceeding 25 lira is expected to be increased by 95 cents at midnight again. If there is no last-minute development, the 95 cent hike will be reflected in the pump prices. The price of the diesel will exceed 26 TL. Drivers’ only hope is for the Energy Market Regulatory Authority to delay the hike.

The plan to increase the liter price of the diesel, which was increased by 77 cents and 1 lira and 7 cents last week, by 95 cents as of midnight, made the car owners rebel. drivers “We bought the vehicle worth 300 thousand TL for 600 thousand TL with taxes. Then we continue to pay high taxes. Compared to the minimum wage, we are one of the countries that use the most expensive fuel in the world. Such a hike is mind-blowing.” they revolted.

The liter price of gasoline was 7.74 TL a year ago in Istanbul and 12.29 TL at the beginning of the year.

The liter price of diesel was 7.25 TL a year ago in Istanbul and 11.43 TL at the beginning of the year.
