Ali Mahir Basarir announced the mafia politics trade report! Who are the politicians who watch the mafia?

CHP Mersin Deputy Ali Mahir Basarir gave the titles of the mafia, politics and commerce report they prepared in the program “My Word” on Halk TV.

Mahir Ali Basarir told not only about the allegations of Sedat Peker, but also the information he gained before and after him, especially with the drug network.

Basarir, Baris Terkoglu’s Is Turkey a narcopolitical country? Which politician was at its centre? He answered the question by giving names.

He succeeds”Now, if the interior minister of this country has pictures with Ali Osman Akat or another drug dealer, if there is an allegation that he has a relationship in the case of Burhan Kuzu Zindaşti, the adviser of the Palace, an important name- former constitutional commission chairman, if these are not investigated by the judiciary and there is a drug addiction in Turkey. Do you think there is a narcopolitical situation if there is a fact of trade?” she asked.

Başarir showed the photograph of Süleyman Soylu with Ümitcan Uygun’s father, the flight invoice of Söğüt Aviation, Sezgin Baran Korkmaz’s flight invoice and the photos of Sezgin Baran Korkmaz taken with various politicians, in his report.

Highlights from Ali Mahir Basarir’s report statement:

Explaining that the concept of narcopolitics emerged from the politics and drug relations in countries such as Mexico and Colombia, Basarir said, “Let’s see, has Turkey really become such a country? Why did we need to use this concept? Where are the political actors in this business?” He told the report he prepared.

-First thing, is the power in Turkey a narcopolitical power? Which politician was at its centre? There was a Zindaşti incident and Burhan Kuzu, who is not alive today, and his evacuation process, allegations about it, especially a government that did not go against it despite the reports of the board, and there was a Burhan Kuzu who died in his duty.

-Let’s come to the second incident… Ali Osman Akat incident. Germany gave an address, said a workplace in Levent, this person was the owner of the workplace in Levent. He was asked to be arrested many times. He was not arrested. He was released after being arrested. And with whom did this person have a picture? With Suleyman Soylu…

-Again, Sheikhmuz, whose surname I do not remember now, a cocaine dealer was caught, with whom did he have a picture? With Suleyman Soylu…

I’m coming to an important process in Turkey. 616 packages of cocaine seized in Panama arrive in Turkey. Although there are claims about the coordinates of this – where it will come, who will receive it-, although there are concrete claims, no progress can be made.

-Former prime minister Binali Yıldırım’s son has a visit to Venezuela… This person has ships, and when questioned why this person is there, it is said that he is wearing a mask… We saw that he left with a suitcase of masks and remained in a ridiculous situation.

-Ali Falyalı… This murder took place after the first report. A former interior minister who had a relationship with him, Bodrum marina, Bodrum marina management… the allegations were that the Bodrum marina would be used as an upper floor. No related research has been done.

After this 616 packets of cocaine incident, Mersin Port’s name was commemorated with this incident. Drugs were seized to come to Turkey. Who is it coming to? Why Turkey? Why in banana packs? The people of Mersin have revolted now. They said, just make it clear.

Now, if the interior minister of this country has pictures with Ali Osman Akat or another drug dealer, if there is an allegation that he has a relationship in the case of Burhan Kuzu Zindaşti, the adviser of the Palace, an important name- former constitutional commission chairman, if these are not investigated by the judiciary and there is a drug addiction in Turkey. Do you think there is a narcopolitical situation if there is a fact of trade?

The interior minister of this country says, ‘In the last 5 years, we have achieved 300 percent success in catching drug dealers’. Wait a minute, what does this show? In front of schools in Turkey In front of universities in Turkey, drug trafficking is very common. This has increased exponentially in recent years. If the number has increased by this much, your catch count is also quite normal.