Akbank said that low interest, undocumented and undocumented support will be provided, The application broke the record

Akbank In the new consumer loan campaign launched through the Internet, loan campaigns were quickly published on official websites for all citizens in need of cash. Akbank consumer loan announced that it will give consumer loans without income certificate, low interest or without asking for a guarantor for all citizens who will use it. 50000 TL To all citizens who will benefit from these loan campaigns, where you will make transactions with a term of 36 months in the loans to be given up to 3 months delayed It was announced that a new loan package was prepared. For all citizens who want to get a loan of 50000 TL by participating in the 36-month term consumer loan campaign with a 3-month delay, transactions are carried out quickly without going to the branches, provided that they comply with the bank loan policies.

50000 TL consumer loan If you want to apply, all citizens who meet the loan terms are given results within 5 minutes. 36 month term loan If you want to participate in the campaign, you will be able to receive your 3-month deferred credit on the same day and use these approved credits by depositing them into our accounts. It has also been announced that if you want to take advantage of these campaigns, where you can go to the nearest bank branch and perform your loan transactions, citizens who meet the application conditions will be paid as a result of the loan within 5 minutes.

Akbank, which is one of the most preferred banks as well as public banks such as Ziraat Bank Vakıfbank and Halkbank, announced that it will give consumer loans via SMS. If you want to use a loan via SMS, you will be participating in the general purpose loan campaign if you send this message to 44 25 by typing a space, leaving a space and typing your TR ID number.

Citizens who want to make their applications by participating in the Akbank Low-Interest Consumer Loan campaign can also apply for loans at any time using the Akbank Direkt application. We would like to say that citizens who want to participate in the Akbank Direkt application and make their applications will deposit their loans to their accounts within the same day, together with the passwords they will receive from their internet banking accounts.