Ukrainian President Zelensky accuses Russia of organizing terrorist acts against the Ukrainian people

Zelensky accuses Russia of terrorist acts

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Russia Accusing the Federation of organizing terrorist acts against civilians in Ukraine, “Terrorism is a punishable crime.” said.

Zelenskiy reacted to the recent attacks by Russian forces in the city of Zaporizhia in the southeast of Ukraine in a video message he shared on his Telegram account.

Expressing that 43 people were killed as a result of the missile attacks carried out by the Russian forces on Zaporozhye since October 3, he said, “There were also attacks on the cities of Kharkiv, Donbas and other cities of Ukraine. Attacks were carried out with Iranian-made unmanned aerial vehicles.” said.

Stating that Russian forces are targeting civilians and civilian infrastructures in Ukraine, Zelenskiy said, “Constant terror against the civilian population, Russia’s outright refusal to enter real negotiations.” made its assessment.

“Terrorism is a punishable crime. State-level terrorism is one of the most horrific international crimes in the world, threatening not just one person but the entire international community,” Zelenskiy said. he said.