Those who have epilation beware! Scientists shared the latest data on the relationship between laser hair removal and cancer.

Lasers are used to remove unwanted hair, remove scars, wrinkles and increase collagen and rejuvenate the skin. But is it reliable? This is the question on many people’s minds. We have compiled the answers to this question for you.

Laser hair removal is not magic, it’s just the science of using concentrated beams of light to destroy hair follicles. This can target very specific areas and results in permanent hair removal in unwanted areas. A smaller area such as your upper lip may only take a few minutes to complete, while larger areas such as your legs may take an hour or more. It usually takes 5 to 7 sessions to completely get rid of the hairy area, but many people are confused about whether it is worth the time.



First of all, let’s look at what a laser is. They are basically radiation, but a safe variety. Laser therapy uses non-ionizing radiation to produce a thin laser beam that is used to kill the hair follicle in laser hair removal. This therapy is used to remove tattoos, plump the skin, and is also used in dental treatments, varicose veins, skin and eye surgery, and skin cancer treatment.



The type of radiation emitted from lasers is sometimes called non-ionizing radiation. This is different from ionizing radiation from nuclear sources and carcinogenic or cancer-causing X-rays. X-rays and gamma rays are the most dangerous in terms of cancer risk and are known as high-frequency ionizing radiation. Still, X-rays are still used today to take pictures of our bones.

The important thing is that when this type of ionizing radiation passes through our body, it can directly damage our cell’s DNA and cause cancer later on. This does not happen when lasers pass through the layers of our skin. The US Food and Drug Administration, FDA, states that the light energy from these lasers does not penetrate deep into the skin. The laser beam remains superficially at skin level and these lasers do not cause DNA damage and cancer-related DNA mutations in DNA.



For example, the pulse of light energy used in laser hair removal treatments is designed only to weaken and destroy hair follicles. A few women are concerned about using these lasers around their reproductive organs, but experts suggest there is no risk of cancer.

Experts also explain that the light from the lasers does not go from the hair root to the internal organs, and therefore fertility is not affected. After laser treatment, redness and scarring remain on the treated areas and can be easily treated with substances such as cold milk, ice and gel.
Lasers are also said to be safe as laser therapy does not use the same ultraviolet wavelengths found in sunlight – UVA and UVB, both of which are known to damage the DNA in cells and cause skin cancer.

Having said all this, it is our duty to give a warning. Since the long-term risk of cancer due to lasers has not been studied so far, it would be fair to say that those with a family history of skin cancer should avoid cosmetic laser procedures for their own safety.