Their Feet Will Be Smashed This Week! Here are the 3 Luckiest Zodiac Signs in Love… Are You One of Those Signs?

If there’s one thing that works in our favor in love this week, it’s that the Moon is home to Venus, the planet of love. You can enter one of two ways as you line up to the Moon towards Venus. We can either dwell on our thoughts and turn them into pleasant fantasies, or we can spend the day living this life with our loved ones. But this week these 3 signs will be in love anyway. Here are 3 lucky zodiac signs that will spend the week in love and romance…


This week everything is aligned for the bulls to have a harmonious union with their loved ones. Every moment during the week we are in will invite you to love. You will spend your days with the person who makes you happiest. Remember, Venus, the planet of love, and the moon are on your side. Every moment you share with your partner this week will be free of hidden negativity. The last days of August will be very good for dear Taurus people.



Dear Gemini, such opportunities do not always come to your feet. The union of the Moon and Venus offers you special and very beautiful things. Days like this are few and far between. Therefore, take advantage of the opportunity presented to you to the fullest. The planets and stars have taken such a position for you that all the beauties of life are laid before you like a carpet in the sky. You may have had difficult times with love and romance in the past, but now leave all negativity outside the door and enjoy the happiness of love inside. Don’t be afraid to open your heart. Gone are the days when your heart was broken. Gemini now you can relax; nothing will hurt you and with the Moon and Venus in the sky, you can be sure that your heart will not be broken. Those who come into your life right now are extremely trustworthy and will only consider your interests. They demand little from you, and what they need is something you want to provide: trust, fun, a few laughs and some really warm hugs.


Leo Signs The more grateful you are to life this week, the better it will be.

You won’t believe how lucky you are in love and romance this week. You’ve found yourself the best person you can find, and even better, that he truly loves you. During the alignment of the Moon with Venus, your thoughts of love for this person will increase even more. this love of yours will outweigh so much that you will end up buying this person something extreme and exciting.

You are feeling generous this week and prefer to get more attention from your romantic partner. In this, you will not be cut off from anything materially and spiritually.