The Presidency announced how much the dollar will be in 2023. Announced with savings circular

How much the dollar will be in 2023 has been published in the Official Gazette with a circular. “It will be used as an annual average of 1 USD = 21.5051 TL” it was said. On the other hand, it was stated that, regardless of their source, foreign financing initiatives without a positive opinion by the Strategy and Budget Presidency will not be allowed.

The Presidential Circular on the Preparations of the Investment Program for the 2023-2025 Period was published in the repeated issue of the Official Gazette with the signature of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

In the circular, ‘maintaining macroeconomic stability’, ‘increase production‘ and ‘raising the welfare of the society’ It was reminded that the Eleventh Development Plan was implemented in the period of 2019-2023.

According to the news in the Birgün Newspaper, in the circular, the restrictions made for the purpose of saving drew attention. In the circular, it was stated that no multi-year projects will be included in the investment program except in urgent and very compulsory situations, and said, “This limitation will be continued during the investment program implementation process. It was stated that the maximum degree of selectiveness will be given to the inclusion of annual project proposals in the investment program, and investments that extend the life of existing assets (maintenance-repair, renewal, etc.) will be emphasized.

In the circular, in which it was stated that investment proposals for the 2023-2025 period would be prepared with the prices of 2023, it was stated that “Annual average of 1 US Dollar = 21,5051 TL will be used”.

It also envisaged a restriction on general vehicle purchases. In this regard, it was emphasized that “in 2023, vehicle purchases will be made only in cases of necessity, regardless of the source”.


On the other hand, restrictions on foreign loans were also introduced. Accordingly, it was noted that foreign financing will not be sought and international commitments will not be entered into for any investment project that has not been given a positive opinion by the Strategy and Budget Presidency (SBB), regardless of its source, and that has not been linked to the investment program.

In the circular, it was stated that the necessary maintenance and repairs will be given importance in order to benefit from the current public fixed capital stock at maximum capacity, and projects that do not directly serve the urgent needs of the citizens and the increase in added value in the economy will not be proposed.

“In the next period, regarding the preparations of the 2023 Investment Program, all institutions should consider the priorities, principles and investment ceilings specified in the 2023-2025 Period Investment Program Preparation Guide, and within the ceiling, the Strategy and Budget Presidency will take into account on 5 July 2022. I request them to immediately send their project-based change proposals, if any, to the Strategy and Budget Presidency via the Public Investments Information System (KaYa) at the address of, in the investment proposals they sent based on the Investment Requests Announcement dated 15.09.
