The cover of ‘US Dividing’ by The Economist

The British magazine The Economist, with the cover it published in its last issue, emphasized that the USA is on the verge of a possible split.

The Economist, which has created controversy with many covers they have published on the world agenda, has carried the theory of “The United States of America will disintegrate”, which has been a polemical subject for a while, to its cover.

The racism in the country since its existence, the inequality in income distribution and the incompatibility between the legal practices among the states have increased the rhetoric that the USA will disintegrate.

Fear of US division

Particularly during the administration of Republican Donald Trump, the social cracks in the country got deeper and deeper, and the raid on the Congress building after the Democratic candidate Joe Biden won the elections brought the fear of a new civil war in the USA to the top.

Although the United States under Biden seems to be on a solid line in terms of the unity of the states in this context, the situation is not as it seems.

The Economist carried it to its cover

The Economist, whose every cover is the subject of discussion and analysis, also addressed this situation in the USA.

The British magazine drew attention to two laws passed in two states in the USA, California and Texas. The magazine wrote that these laws, passed by state legislatures, were put into practice despite the federal government, and this would further increase the current tension in the country.

Divided States of America

On the cover of the magazine “Divided States of America” headline, and in the picture below, there was the statue of liberty trying to stand with the column split in two and its legs spread.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

“On August 25, California banned the sale of gasoline-powered cars from 2035, a move that will reshape the auto industry, reduce carbon emissions and strain the state’s electrical grid.

On the same day, in Texas, women’s right to abortion was banned from the moment of conception, with the exception of rape or incest. Those who have abortion face up to 99 years in prison.

These two events may seem unrelated, but they are signs of an important trend. Washington may be largely clogged, but states are swiftly making policies with a furious backlash.

In theory, that’s not a bad thing. America has “50 labs” to test which policies work and which don’t. People can choose to live, and companies can choose to operate where their preferences are reflected in local rules and often relocate to states with fewer restrictions, as many do during the pandemic.

Every state can strike its own balance between the heaviness of taxes and the generosity of public services. Any state can achieve by learning from its neighbors who have better schools or business arrangements.

But these two events are also an indication of how close the United States, the United States, is to partition.”

USA Divides cover #1 from The Economist