Social democracy debates as CHP walks to power

The dialectic of politics once again strengthened the winds of the Democratic Regime against the 20-year oppressive regime of the Erdogan/AKP government.

Kilicdaroglu’The Nation Alliance of Six Tables, formed with a fine strategy by the CHP and led by the CHP, seems to win the election:

Kılıçdaroğlu’s candidacy seems certain.

On the one hand, the government and its supporters are trying to undermine Kılıçdaroğlu, who is certain to be a candidate, on the other hand, they are trying to create confusion between or directly within the parties at the Six Table, using the HDP and the IYI Party, over nationalism and religiosity.


Since the fight within the CHP was artificially tried to be started between Social Democracy and Kemalism, I examined this issue for days and showed that these two ideologies were integrated in full harmony within the CHP.

about it on Tuesday Zulfu Livaneli’I published the letter of

Dear one of the leading theorists and practitioners of the Social Democratic ideology. Ercan Karakas He also sent a letter.

Due to limited space, I am publishing only the introductory part of this article, which will shed light on the Social Democracy discussions, below.


“It is a fact that Social Democracy is in crisis. This crisis is a crisis experienced both in European countries where social democracy was born and in developing countries such as Turkey.

The concrete symptom of the crisis is that the social democratic parties have fallen behind in the struggle for power in many countries, especially in Europe.

At the beginning of the 21st century, social democrats were in power in three-quarters of the 15 European Union (EU) countries in that period. Today, the situation seems to be the opposite. Currently, only 5-6 of the 28 EU countries have social democratic governments in place.

Especially in countries such as Germany and France, where social democracy has been decisive for many years, the loss of power of social democratic parties is alarming.

The reason why we did not include England in these two countries is because the new leader of the British Labor Party. Jeremy Corbyn and increased the votes to 40 percent in the elections held on June 8, 2017, thus reducing the vote difference between the opposition and the ruling opposition from 20 percent to 2 percent.

This success of Corbyn is an achievement that should be studied and learned from by all social democrats. The reason for this success is mainly in 1997. Tony Blair put forward by ‘3. It’s about abandoning the ‘road’ policy and emphasizing leftist values.


As it is known, in the social democratic movement originating from England, the ‘3. A ‘pragmatic’ program called ‘The Road’, which did not take into account social democratic values, was put into effect in Germany with the definition of ‘New Centre’.

This program is available in Netherlands, Italy, Norway etc. countries have also been effective.

However, the power of the social democratic parties that came to power with the rhetoric of the 3rd Way did not last long.

Because its programs inspired by the neoliberal world included practices that made the current social and economic rights of working people a matter of debate.

While the masses who supported the social democratic parties expected more equality, they reacted harshly to the disappearance of their vested rights, not voting for the social democratic parties, not going to the ballot box and even resigning from these parties.


Ercan Karakaş, who was the former Minister of Culture of the SHP and resigned due to a principle problem, points out very important points in his article.

Tomorrow, I will continue to summarize and analyze the rest of this article, which should be read carefully for the Six Tables, CHP, IYI Party and HDP, which are under the attack of the government.