Putin officially approved the annexation decision

Russian President Putin; He passed the law formalizing the annexation of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhia and Kherson.

Yesterday, the Russian Parliament approved the annexation of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhia and Kherson, announced by Putin.


Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the document on the annexation of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions to Russian territory.

In his statement, Putin said, “These people voted for the common future, everyone living in those regions, people who left in 91, chose again for our national unity. After the revolution, there were borders that divided us. Despite the referendum in 91, they tore our great country apart, and we made this as if it were a fact. “It doesn’t matter anymore. The Soviet Union doesn’t exist anymore, and Russia today doesn’t need it. No decision is more important than the choice of millions. They wanted to return to their true, historical homeland. We want the West to hear me; The people in these four regions are now ours.” “We have called on the Kyiv regime to put aside the hostility as soon as possible. We will not discuss Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhia and Kherson. And the authorities here should see this decision, only in this way can we reach a peaceful solution,” he said.

Putin also said, “They do not respect people’s free will choice, they do not have the right to speak on freedom of expression. Western elites do not ignore basic human rights, they divide the world in two. It will not break the unity of Ukraine and the Western Russian Federation. Today’s Russian phobia is in many respects that we do not colonize our own nation, that we do not colonize our own nation. We were able to do this because we were able to establish a strong centralized state. They took our world, our money and our power, now we have started to compensate for this damage in a way. Donetsk people, the West has been saying for years that we will bring democracy there, but this is the hypocrisy of the West.”

* Images of the news are provided by the Associated Press.