Payments between 4000 TL and 8000 TL are made today according to the TR ID number.

Payments between 4000 TL and 8000 TL are made today, according to the TR ID number. According to the identity number, payments between 4000 TL and 8000 TL are offered to the citizens by Akbank. You can use a cash loan between 4000 TL and 8000 TL in these campaigns, which are launched for citizens who have their own bank account via the customer service number without going to Akbank Direkt application or Akbank branches, if you meet the conditions.

Akbank announced that after the applications made on its official website, people who will use consumer loans will quickly deposit the emergency loan into their accounts if they have their own bank accounts.

In these loans, which will be taken with a 36-month maturity, the citizens who meet the loan conditions can quickly deposit the loan into their accounts if they carry out their transactions with a 3-month delay. Consumer loans are provided with a 90-day deferral to those who will go to the nearest bank branches and perform their loan transactions.

How to apply through Tc Identity Number?

If you want to find out how much credit approval you have received by sending an SMS from Akbank, especially via your mobile phone, from where you live, write credit, leave a space and send this message to 44 25 by typing your TR ID number. After you have made your application, the bank credit score will tell you how much credit approval you have received, along with the inquiry to be made through the TR ID number.

Akbank Direct We would like to say that after the applications to be made through the application, especially the citizens who will use the loan have bank accounts, and they can quickly deposit their loans to their accounts within the same day. If you want to apply via your mobile phone, citizens who want to use a loan can use these payments to be deposited into their accounts on the same day and quickly use them on the same day. If you want to benefit from the campaigns where you can go to the nearest bank branch and carry out your transactions, you can make transactions through the bank’s internet banking application or the website to make transactions through the Akbank Direkt application.