Opposition parties seem to have accepted the fait accompli; If they turn the job into an election race, they will give the President an advantage!

17th Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Husamettin Cindoruk“This is not an election, not an ordinary election. In other words, the price of tomatoes, potatoes, inflation figures, etc. Of course it will play a role, but the main concept here is; “The change is to take back our political regime,” he said.

“He appointed 20 ministers, do they have anything to do with the people, is there such a thing as the will of the people, no, the President has chosen them as well. It gathers ministers and calls it ‘Cabinet’. What you call the cabinet is the ‘council of ministers’. Opposition parties seem to have accepted the fait accompli. They say, ‘The President’s cabinet convened and took the following decision’, where in this Constitution is there a ‘cabinet’, where is the ‘government’, where is the ‘prime minister’? Cindoruk reproached the opposition, saying, “How many ministers have changed, this system is a complete bankruptcy. However, if the opposition parties take the issue and turn it into an election race, they will give an advantage to the President who brought this wrong system.”

I do not find the tactic and political methodology of the 6-table table correct,” said Cindoruk, “It is not important today who is a presidential candidate, the important thing is to make it a popular vote, a regime choice. I think the presidential regime has gone bankrupt, let’s call it a “regime” because it is a political regime. There is a complete fiasco here. If you go before the public by telling about that fiasco and put the regime issue first, you will win, but if you turn it into electoral law, it is not difficult to predict what the person who has a safe will do at the last minute.

spokesperson writer Ruhat Mengi’Answering the questions of Cindoruk, CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’s statement “If a consensus is reached on my name at the 6-Party Table, I will be a candidate” and expressed his criticisms of the opposition as follows:

Opposition parties perceive this as an election and I think they are doing exactly what the ruling party wants. The main thing here is the choice between the presidential regime and the parliamentary regime. When Erdogan revealed this regime before he was elected president, he said, “Give this brother the vote, we’ll show you how to solve all the issues and how to fight inflation,” and he changed the 100-year-old regime of the Republic of Turkey by showing himself as a guarantor for this regime. Now, this is his rematch, but I think the opposition; The CHP, in particular, perceived this as an election. This is not an election, not an ordinary choice. In other words, the price of tomatoes, potatoes, inflation figures, etc. Of course it will play a role, but the main concept here is; is to take back our changed political regime. The Republic was left without an organ, look at the state of the Republic, it has no decision-making body. There is no one who carries and holds the will of the people other than the President. There is a vice president, who chose him, the president chose him, did the people choose him? You know that Kamala Harris was chosen by the people in the United States, but the President of the Republic of Turkey took the decision alone and there is no public will apart from him.

“Opposition parties seem to have accepted the fait accompli”

Even worse; He appointed 20 ministers, do they have anything to do with the people, is there such a thing as the will of the people, no, the President has chosen them as well. It gathers the ministers and calls it the “Cabinet”. What you call the cabinet is the ‘council of ministers’. Opposition parties seem to have accepted the fait accompli. They say, “The President’s cabinet convened and took the following decision”.

“The records of the coup government still stand”

A state of complete violation of the Constitution, violation of the Constitution. He created an institution that does not exist, and he makes decisions with this institution. The institution you call the cabinet exists in France, it’s a French word anyway, but the president doesn’t decide on his own, there is the prime minister, there is the senate, there is the parliament. Under these conditions, there may be a cabinet in France, a presidential government, it is in the constitution. In America, almost all the powers of the president are shared between the Senate and the House of Representatives, the man cannot appoint an ambassador, the borders have been drawn, the powers have been determined. Here I am watching with amazement. Even the government established by Cemal Gürsel in 1960 has its memorandums, it has been published recently; Those who carried out the coup in 1960 put the minutes of the government they established and recorded their negotiations in a notebook. The cabinet, which he says represents the current government, has neither a memorandum, nor a book, nor a notebook, nor a place in the Constitution. What does this show? It shows the need for government in the presidential system. He abolished the Council of Ministers, the prime minister and the government, he created a bubble organ, this is a bubble. Who implements the decisions made by him, this body is also appointed by the president. Ministers are meeting, maybe they are chatting, eating cookies and drinking tea, in the end whatever the President says happens.

“If there is a table for 6, there is a safe here”

How many ministers have changed, this system is a complete bankruptcy, however, if the opposition parties take the job and turn it into an election race, they will give an advantage to the President who brought this wrong system. He also holds table meetings from time to time and takes various decisions, and attaches the legal basis of these decisions to the cabinet. I paid attention; Whatever issue Mr. Kılıçdaroğlu talks about and seeks for a solution, the President convenes the cabinet the next day and makes compensatory decisions. Why? If there is a table with 6, there is a safe here, not the table in the old saying, but the safe wins. He has money in his hand, he prints money and prints it fearlessly, not afraid of inflation. As you say ‘there is inflation’, he says ‘we will beat inflation in 3 months’. He does not say how he will beat it after 3 months, but tries to remove the fight against inflation from being one of the issues of the election. I do not find the tactic and political methodology of the 6-way table correct.

“Who is the presidential candidate is not important today, the important thing is to make it a popular vote, a regime choice”

It is not important who is a presidential candidate today, the important thing is to make it a popular vote, a regime choice. I think the presidential regime has gone bankrupt, let’s call it a “regime” because it is a political regime. In the establishment of this state, when the Parliament was at its base, the President came and imposed a presidential regime on the condition that he be himself, the presidential regime is incomplete, the late Erdoğan Teziç (famous Constitutional Lawyer) called it the “Abyssinian regime”, he said that there are only some states in Africa in the world, and what he said was true; There is a complete fiasco here. If you tell the people about that fiasco and put the regime issue first, you will win, but if you turn it into election law, it is not difficult to predict what the person who has a safe will do at the last minute.”

Click to read the full interview.