Make-up-free pose for the 59th birthday! – Last Minute Magazine News


Sharing mainly sports photos and videos from his social media account The only Sudan This time she posed for her birthday.

Suden, who is 59 years old, is under the photo she shared without make-up; ‘I woke up with the phones. Thank you so much. It would be nice if I washed my face… Happy Birthday 59!” he dropped the note.

59th birthday without makeup

Suden’s photograph attracted great attention in a short time. ‘Happy birthday’ comments were made to the photo, which received many likes.

59th birthday without makeup

Biricik Suden, who has been doing sports with a private teacher 5 days a week for the last 20 years, has also become a master name in Far East sports.



magazine The ‘zero make-up’ fashion has begun among the famous names of the world… Celebrities, who were applauded with their self-confidence, now pass before the lens without make-up… Here are those celebrities!

‘My Pınar has become one year younger today’

Pinar AltugIn 2008, she was married to her colleague Yağmur Atacan. Pınar Altuğ, one of the couple who left behind 14 years in their marriage, turned 48 today.

Yağmur Atacan celebrated his wife’s new age with a photo she shared on her social media account and Pınar Altuğ had almost zero make-up:

“My beautiful darling loves birthday celebrations, and most of all she likes to be loved. Queen of our loving family, your new age is full again, my daughter and I will do our best to make you a beautiful birthday. She has become one year younger today… my Pınar”

59th birthday without makeup
Famous actress celebrated her wedding anniversary: ​​15 years for now…


Actress Hilal Altınbilek shared her photo on her social media account after a long break. Altınbilek’s makeup-free photo attracted great attention.

Hilal Altınbilek presented her makeup-free poses to her fans. ‘How beautiful you are, this beauty is too much’ comments were made on the photos that received thousands of likes in a short time.


59th birthday without makeup

Famous actress Hilal Altınbilek has been in love with Metin Hara for a while. The couple keeps their relationship a secret.


Actress Aslı Tandoğan went to a yoga camp with her friends. The beautiful actress, who is stressed away from the city life, shared her makeup-free photo on her social media account.

59th birthday without makeup

Aslı Tandoğan, who has been away from the screens for a long time, gave herself to yoga. The beautiful actress, who went to Fethiye and camped with her friends, both enjoyed the fresh air and rested her soul.

Tandoğan, who also shared his zero make-up poses with his fans, dropped the note ‘Every color of peace’. The sharing of the beautiful actress received thousands of likes and comments such as ‘There is no such beauty’, ‘You are very beautiful, Ms. Aslı’ in a short time.



He presented Sarıkaya’s make-up-free poses to his fans. The photos, which received thousands of likes in a short time, were commented “Love has worked, Serenay found herself”. Sarikaya’s post received more than 400 thousand likes.

59th birthday without makeup


Famous singer Şebnem Ferah shared her makeup-free photo on her social media account. Ferah, who does not use filters in her photo, received many likes and comments. A follower commented on the famous singer, “You have the beauty of your soul and heart in this picture… I love it..”

59th birthday without makeup


Pınar Altuğ shared a photo of her without makeup and filter from her social media account. While many of his followers found Altuğ’s photo natural and showered it with appreciation, a user wrote, “There is no aesthetic that he hasn’t done, what a naturalness. Of course, it doesn’t have to look perfect all the time, but it’s funny that you say ‘natural'”, which angered the famous server.


59th birthday without makeup


Eser Yenenler’s wife, Berfu Yenenler, shot a video for her YouTube channel. Introducing their followers to their parents, Yenenler went in front of the camera with zero make-up. The registered beauty, who also included the preparation process in the video, said, “If you noticed, my hair is wet and I have zero makeup on my face! Zero.. zero…”. Comments poured into Yenenler’s video.

59th birthday without makeup


Esra Dermancıoğlu, who is remembered with the character of the Blessed Aunt Fatmagül in the TV series What Is Her Crime, followed the trend. The famous actress shared her zero makeup photo on Instagram.


59th birthday without makeup
