‘In other cases, the same court gives a day after 3 months’

Singer Hadise and businessperson Mehmet Dinçerler divorced in a single session. Hadise, who got married to Mehmet Dinçerler 4 months ago, filed for divorce, claiming that she was subjected to psychological pressure that would affect her artistic life.

Hadise Açıkgöz’s divorce case, filed on September 14, ended on September 30. The case, which was concluded within 2 weeks, was announced to the public by Hadise’s lawyer Öncel.

Önl shared on his personal Twitter account. “In the lawsuit filed by the client Hadise Açıkgöz at the Beykoz 2nd Family Court, a divorce decision was made. It is announced to the public with respect” used the phrases.


of the case ‘too fast’ The result drew the reaction of the lawyers.

The Independentfrom Jihad ShallotAccording to the news; Among those who object to the situation are the lawyer, who can take up to 3 months for other requests made to the same court.

Lawyer Abdullah Usama Ceran thinks that it is not unusual for the judiciary, which is under a heavy workload, to finish a case within 15 days.

“A court that has no workload and has completed the necessary investigation process can of course finish the case in 15 days, but it is not easy to get a hearing day in 2 weeks under current conditions.” Lawyer Ceran said that another colleague could get a day from the same court until December.

Another lawyer said that he was able to get the hearing of the case he filed in April at the Beykoz 2nd Family Court in December.


Here is the situation that the lawyers are discussing among themselves now:

There is a legislative obstacle in front of couples who have been married for less than 1 year to file a divorce case. The lawsuit should be filed as “contested”. Some lawyers are of the opinion that the case may evolve into “contractual divorce” in the process, once the parties bring witnesses to the hearing. However, it is not considered as a normal situation that the hearing date, which the system automatically gives, is given within a short period of 15 days. Lawyers think that the trial may come in 2023 in its normal course.