How was Grumpy Virgin banned from the screen?

Armağan Çağlayan was the guest of the second episode of Kafa TV’s Unforgettable program, produced by journalist Candaş Tolga Işık. Çağlayan told the story of the banning of Seyfi Dursunoğlu, who gave life to the character of Huysuz Virjin, who is the legendary name of television but whose name was erased from all the screens.

Armağan Çağlayan stated that Seyfi Dursunoğlu was the first person who made him rise at a young age. “After we worked for so many years, RTÜK did not allow the character of Grumpy Virjin to appear on television. But they never did this openly. So they did not say: ‘Grumpy Virgin is prohibited on Turkish televisions’. said.

Emphasizing that the bans imposed on Huysuz Virjin by RTÜK were never made openly and that Huysuz Virjin was not screened through the telephones sent to the channel management, Çağlayan noted that a RTÜK President also said in a program that they did not want Huysuz Virjin to appear on television.


Mentioning the depression experienced by Seyfi Dursunoğlu after these events, Çağlayan used the following expressions:

Seyfi Bey’s world has gone dark, he is officially destroyed. I think he’s the only person to become famous after 65. Grumpy Virgin was 67 years old when she became famous in Turkey. People had just heard his name now. Seyfi Bey began to be recognized on the street.


When RTÜK banned it, Seyfi Bey realized that he would not be on television again and – I think – he invented a psychological illness for himself. He said, “I have yellow spot disease, television lights are harmful to me, I will not be on television.”

‘Did he really have yellow spot disease?’

After a while, I think he believed in the issue of ‘I can’t go on TV because I have macular degeneration’. Then he made a program as Seyfi Dursunoğlu, I think he was not happy.


Explaining that he was offended when he was a manager in a channel, but that he reached out to him for the New Year’s program and that way they reconciled, Çağlayan explained the pressure they experienced in that program with the following words:

We got offended when I was managing a channel. The reason why we are offended is ridiculous. When I think about it now, I wish we hadn’t been offended for those five years. It’s making me so unhappy right now. Then I said let’s shoot the New Year’s program with Grumpy Virgin. I went to Seyfi Bey again and we made peace. We agreed with Mr. Seyfi for Kanal D’s New Year’s program. He was so happy that he never mentioned the yellow dot. We shot, we mounted. Two days before the broadcast, I received a call from RTÜK saying, “Are you sure you will broadcast this?” We did the montage again, so to speak, we turned the program into a bird. But Seyfi Bey was very happy to appear on television as Grumpy Virgin for the last time. He watched him on New Year’s Eve and called me 6-7 times.


In fact, from time to time we get angry at the stars for their whims, but their life is much different and much more difficult than we see. Seeing on television at the age of 67, how a person who actually came from the bottom of the casinos and climbed to the top of the entertainment industry, found places to hold on to life when he was banned, and how he tried to say ‘I was not banned’ to hold on, I guess it would have affected everyone as much as me.