Germany wants to join Ukraine’s genocide trial

Germany wants to join Ukraine’s genocide trial

Germany wants to join Ukraine’s genocide lawsuit against Russia.

In a written statement from the International Court of Justice (ICJ), after Lithuania, Latvia, New Zealand and the UK GermanyIt was stated that Turkey also requested to participate in the genocide trial between Ukraine and Russia.

Reminding that states whose interests are affected can join an existing litigation between other states, Germany’s “participation in the case has a special importance because of our history.” expression was used.

In the statement, it was noted that the rights in Germany’s genocide convention are in the nature of “jus cogens”, which means “which can be asserted against everyone” and cannot be acted against in international law.

The ICJ asked Ukraine and Russia to submit written statements regarding Germany’s request to join the case.

In its injunction dated March 16, 2022, the ICJ ruled that “Russia should immediately stop the “military operation” that started on the territory of Ukraine on February 24.