“Entry ban to Russia” for American actors Ben Stiller and Sean Penn Kremlin updated the list of people banned from entering Russia

“Entry ban to Russia” to Ben Stiller and Sean Penn

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that sanctions were ordered against 25 US citizens, including US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Hollywood actors Sean Penn and Benjamin Edward Meara Stiller.

In a written statement from the ministry, it was stated that in response to the ever-expanding sanctions decisions of the US President Joe Biden administration against Russian citizens, members of the US congress, senior officials, business representatives and 25 US citizens operating in the field of culture were banned from entering Russia.

In addition to some senators, the names of US Secretary of Commerce Raimondo, film actors Penn and Stiller were included in the list of 25 people included in the sanction decision.

Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn traveled to Ukraine, under Russian attack, in the early days of the war. The image of Penn, who wanted to document Russia’s military intervention, while evaluating the events with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, was shared on social media.

* The image of the news was served from AA.