Either they are deceiving Erdogan or Erdogan is deceiving himself.

I read his statement to the American PBS channel. I said; either someone is deceiving Erdogan, putting deceptive information in front of him or Erdogan is deceiving himself. He’s enjoying himself. Is there any other explanation for what you said?

Where should I start…

I’m an economist said.

Does anyone know how to become an economist? From which faculty did he graduate, in which subject he did his master’s degree, with which thesis did he become an economist by getting his doctorate degree?

Sorry, he has a thesis on economics. It’s been on us for years. The reason we groan and crawl is because Erdoğan is an economist!..

Putting into practice the thesis that the world looks at with surprise, maybe laughing…

What’s that?

‘Interest is the cause, inflation is the result’ claim… 190 billion dollars of the country was wasted for this cause…

Let me write in writing; one hundred and ninety billion dollars…

In September last year, while inflation was hovering around 16 percent, he lowered the interest rate to reduce inflation to a single figure and….

Inflation has exceeded one hundred percent…It was going to go down to a single digit, it went up to three digits…

The dollar was eight liras, it exceeded 18 liras…

A liter of gasoline has tripled…

The middle income group turned to the poor income group… Poverty descended on the country like a nightmare.

Erdogan is such an economist…

From those who are economists without reading an economics book…

Worst of all, Erdogan had tried his world-famous theory (!) two years ago. After changing the regime, the first thing he did was to fire the Governor of the Central Bank and replace him with Uysal.

They cut the interest headlong from 24 percent to 8 percent. 128 billion dollars flew from the Central Bank reserves…

As an economist, Erdogan put the same method into practice once again last year in the hope of getting different results…

Another 60 billion dollars evaporated… Worst of all, he is still determined to walk the same path.

In a statement to PBS television, he made important disclosures. He said; ‘No leader says after the step he took, he made a mistake.’

We got burned, we burned… We got burned, what a burn!

‘Inflation is not an insurmountable economic threat’ said…

I ask; If you do not admit that you have done wrong, if you do not fight inflation, how will you overcome it? You know, exports would increase, imports would decrease, the current account deficit would be closed, and our inflation problem would disappear. It was the opposite…

Erdogan said: ‘Leaders are people who are very difficult to get back from the way they entered’

Since Erdoğan will not turn back from the path he has taken… Since he will not admit his mistake… It is impossible for us to get rid of the cost of living as long as we are on our own. Inflation will flow at this level.

Whatever the US is doing to deal with inflation… What Germany is doing… What France is doing… We are doing the opposite.

But… The shelves are empty in America, France, Germany! Erdogan says so.

When I said it in Kayseri, I was making propaganda and deceiving people. When I repeated it in Washington, I understood that he said it with conviction.

Since he did not visit the markets in France or Germany, the information put in front of him should be in this direction…

Someone is deceiving Erdogan.

They are having a hard time with 8 percent inflation, we are living like a rose with 80 percent inflation.

Erdogan believes that…

When you look from the window of the palace, that’s what life looks like.