Britain’s new ‘Iron Lady’ Liz Truss

The race within the Conservative Party is over. Boris Johnson’name to replace Liz Truss He won the race, albeit by a small margin. He will be on duty soon. Truss, Johnson’He was the US Secretary of State, and while many other ministers resigned and forced Johnson to resign, Truss chose not to resign. And the race actually started the resignations. Rishi Altar’won against.
I don’t think it makes much sense. But still Conservative A Johnson-style party at the party as long as politicsğı predictable. Truss had a very hawkish attitude when he was Secretary of State. From the statements he has made so far, it seems that he will maintain this stance.
We all know how determined and tough the UK’s policy on Ukraine is. Truss might even be the farthest out there. Until this time Putin’s overthrowmessiah should There were many hints, but the name that most clearly expressed this among Western politicians. truss it happened.
He still voices the need to increase the support to be given to Ukraine. He also says that military expenditures will be increased to three percent, although there are many economic problems in front of him. It promises both economic and military aid to Ukraine. He also thinks that the war should continue until Putin falls.
If you notice, lately inside Europe many leadership changes happening and the upheavals as new ones continue avoid to comeex. England was the most important of these. As important as it is, we can only encounter it in a government crisis in Germany. European politics, on the one hand, is experiencing its own internal tensions in economic turmoil, and on the other hand, it has to face the expectations of the USA. Biden Assuming that its policy will continue, we can say that England is ready for it.
But above all for the whole West in the USA November by-elections will be. The Republicans are likely to win, if not the Trumpists. Then Biden’s entire European policy could collapse. because republicans, If they win Congress One cent aid to Ukraine even to preventrini they have already announced.
If such a situation arises, we can predict that European politics will be shaken again. Putin Since it has also announced that it will cut the gas, it will be necessary to follow Europe with interest in the coming days. Different equations can come up.
