4 thousand, 5 thousand and 10 thousand TL Payments Given over TR Identity Number! You will get it too!

Citizens who want to buy between 4000 TL and 10000 TL on your ID number until the end of September can perform their transactions quickly by participating in the Consumer Loan campaign launched by Akbank and Denizbank. In these campaigns launched for citizens who will make their applications until the end of September, loans are made available to people in need of cash by depositing payments into their accounts within the same day. Following the announcement made on the official website, Akbank deposits payments into their accounts within the same day for citizens who want to apply for consumer loans.


This campaign, which was launched for citizens who want to use credit by making their applications through Akbank, is paid to you by sending an SMS via your mobile phone or by making transactions through Akbank Direkt application without going to bank branches. If you want to apply for a consumer loan via SMS via your mobile phone via Akbank, you can participate in these loan campaigns, which will be given with a 3-month deferral. If you write a loan on your mobile phone, leave a space and write the TC ID number, and send this message to 44 25, you will have applied for an Akbank consumer loan. Citizens who want to carry out their transactions through Akbank branches can get loans without income certificate whenever they want.


Denizbank In the campaign made for citizens who want to apply for a loan, especially those who will make transactions without going to bank branches, if they have a bank account, they can log in to the sea mobile application and apply for a loan from there. After the applications to be made through the official website of Denizbank, people who will use credit can deposit payments to their accounts within the same day. If you want to apply for a loan by sending a message via your mobile phone, write my loan, leave a space, write your ID number, leave a space, and if you write your date of birth as day, month and year, send this message to 32 80.