12000 TL Payment Will Be Taken To Your Accounts Without Going To The Banks

For citizens who receive a pension, through Garanti Bank up to 12000 TL payment has been announced. your pension Garanti Bank You can join the campaigns where you can easily do your transactions without going to the branches to complete your application.

Garanti Bank, official website For all citizens who will use consumer loans after the payments made over the bank, the loan result will be given within 5 minutes and the approved loans will be deposited into the accounts within the same day.

Garanti Bank has announced that it will give a loan result within 5 minutes for all citizens who will use consumer loans in these campaigns that it has started for citizens who receive their pension from their own bank.

Retired your salary banks By logging into the internet banking application, you will be able to apply for consumer loans from here and you will be able to use the approved loans by depositing them into your accounts whenever you want.

Garanti Bank makes their applications after the announcements made on the official website and deposits the loans with a 90-day deferred payment for the citizens who want to get a loan, within the same day. Citizens who want to apply for a consumer loan from Garanti Bank will both use loans with low interest rates and get loan approval whenever they want without going to bank branches in all applications they will make as of today in order to perform loan transactions.

your pension Garanti Bank You can use debt closing, loan to close your debts in higher limits and other banks. If the pensioners who will apply for a loan are up to the age of 70, the bank provides consumer loans without income certificate, as these people are salary customers. If you transfer your pension to Garanti Bank for the first time, the bank also gives you a pension promotion up to 8000 TL in case you apply for a loan.