12-15-20-24-30 thousand TL loan opportunity is provided according to the TR ID number! The applicant receives

Your TR Identity Number For all citizens who will apply for a general purpose loan and carry out their transactions, a loan is given to you with a 3-month postponement and a 36-month maturity.

By participating in these campaigns made by Yapı Kredi Bank and Denizbank over your TR ID number, you will be able to make your transactions within the same day and use the approved loans by depositing them into our accounts on the same day.

Citizens who will use credit after the applications you have made through the TR ID number can easily perform their transactions without going to the branches so that they can receive support payments within the same day.

Denizbank and Yapı Kredi Bank By applying through this website, you will be able to use consumer loans without income certificate for the payments you will receive through your identity number. All citizens with a bank credit score of 1500 and above can use their credits from their accounts within 5 minutes, together with the payments they will deposit into their accounts on the same day, in case they need cash.

How to apply for a consumer loan through Denizbank?

In the general purpose loan application you have made through Denizbank, the bank sends information about how much loan approval you have received, based on your identification number, by the General Directorate of Evaluation. In the applications to be made through the official website of Denizbank, the result of the loan application is sent as a message from you or the bank shows you how much loan approval you have received via SMS for the loans you have sent via SMS.

If Denizbank sends this message to 32 80, if citizens who want to participate in the credit campaign in my pocket by SMS, write my credit, leave a space, write the Turkish ID number, leave a space, and write the date of birth as the day, month, year, they will have applied for a loan. Denizbank, by participating in the general purpose loan campaign via SMS, will make service payments on the same day, especially for the people who will use loans, in the campaigns it has made for citizens who want to make their applications, and will provide loans from internet banking to people who use mobile applications.

How to apply for a consumer loan through Yapı Kredi Bank?

Citizens who want to apply for consumer loans through Yapı Kredi Bank can apply through the bank’s mobile application and website, as well as use loans by sending an SMS over their mobile phones. In the announcement made on the official website of Yapı Kredi Bank, it was announced that if the bank credit score of the people who will apply for the loan is suitable, all loan applications they will make through mobile applications without going to the bank branches will be paid without income certificate and without any cost. You can find out the current loan interest rates by entering the official website of the bank.